National Railway Signaling Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiFault Diagnosis and Recovery in Discrete Event Systems
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiSignaling System Development for the Esenler Railway Depot
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiPoint Automation system for Mescid-i Selam Tram Station
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiSafety-Critical Interlocking (IXL) Software Development and Certification Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiMarmaray Line Automatic Fare Collection Machines RAMS Analysis and Documentation
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiSafety-Critical Interlocking (IXL) Software Development and Certification Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiNational Communication Based Train Control (CBTC) Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiDubai Expolink 2020 Line Tunnel Ventilation and Environmental Control System Software Development Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiGayrettepe – Istanbul New Airport Metro Line (GYH) Communication Based Train Control System (CBTC) On-Board Software Development Project
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiRail Vehicle and Signaling Systems, Safety-Critical Software Development Processes
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiSafety-Critical Development of RadNet Communication System Expertise Support
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yoneticiERTMS/ETCS Signaling System, European Vital Computer (EVC) and Driver Machine Interface (DMI) Systems Safety-Critical Software Development Processes
Ağustos 9, 2022/tarafından yonetici
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